Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sorry for the lack of posting since we have been in country. There have been some wifi/computer problems. We safely arrived in country on Monday and had a successful first work day. Our second work day we got even more done. The hotel is nice and clean and the people are amazingly kind. The people of Villa Nueva have very greatfully received our filters and help. It´s great to know that our prescence is appreciated. It´s extremely warm, but we´re all looking forward to getting more done tomorrow.
God´s blessings,
Emily Fairbairn


  1. Glad to hear it is going well. Would love to see some pictures.

  2. We are continuing to pray for you and the work you are doing in the village. Perhaps we need to pray for clouds to make it a little cooler. God bless you for the loving work you are doing! Sandy Hardies
